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Want to continue your color journey with Betty? Click to continue.
Hi, I’m Betty! Chat with me to find your perfect color.
With over 3,500 paint colors to choose from, Benjamin Moore's color selection is unparalleled—but can be overwhelming for many homeowners. The good news is that we offer a wide range of tools and resources designed to help homeowners through every step of selecting color. As a painting pro, you can differentiate yourself by helping your clients match wallpaper, rugs, tear sheets and more with Benjamin Moore colors using our ColorReader device and the Benjamin Moore Color Portfolio® app. Read on to see other ways Benjamin Moore can help you assist homeowners to find the perfect paint color.
Be sure to prompt homeowners to begin selecting color options as early as possible. Remind them that color selection is often the longest part of a painting project, and the sooner they start, the better! Share a link to this page to help them get started.
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