Prep Weathered Wood for Deck Staining
Weathered Wood: Woodluxe Wood Restorer is our go-to product for grayed-out decks. Use Wood Restorer with a stiff brush to clean the wood and remove loose, dead fibers. Afterward, rinse the deck and treat the wood with Woodluxe Wood Brightener & Neutralizer. Once the wood is completely scrubbed down, use a hose or power washer to remove the product. Let the wood dry for at least 48 hours, then sand with 80-grit sandpaper.
Flaking or Peeling: If you have a previously stained deck that is peeling or flaking, try power washing, wire brushing, or sanding to remove as much of the loose, peeling stain as possible. For anything that remains, use Woodluxe Wood Stain Remover to help remove the remaining stain. Afterward, rinse the deck and treat the wood with Woodluxe Wood Brightener & Neutralizer, then sand the deck to ensure a smooth surface for staining.
After letting the wood dry for 48 hours, check the weather: Rain-free days are best for applying stain. If the forecast is dry for at least 36 hours, you’re ready to stain the deck.