
VOCs and Emissions

What are VOCs?

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are chemicals that, along with oxides of nitrogen and sunlight, create ground level ozone, a major component of smog. Certain VOCs are also harmful when inhaled and may pose indoor air quality concerns.

What does Zero Emissions mean?

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has determined that an emission-free or zero-emissions (or VOC) paint claim can be substantiated by, among other things, evidence demonstrating the paint has trace levels of emissions six hours or less after application (and thereafter), and contains no substance that could cause material harm to the health of the average adult under normal anticipated use. Eco Spec® paint meets this standard.

What does “trace levels of emissions” mean?

Trace level of emission means:

  • A VOC has not been intentionally added to the covered product;
  • Emission of the covered product does not cause material harm that consumers typically associate with emission, including harm to the environment or human health; and
  • Emission of the covered product does not result in more than harmless concentrations of any compound higher than would be found under normal conditions in the typical residential home without interior architectural coating.